Our Roots
The story of our farm begins in 1799, when Daniel Boone traversed Missouri and established the Boone’s Lick trail, a route from St. Charles to the salt lick outside Boonville. Boone’s Lick Heritage (BLH) farm derives its name from this trail and reminds us of the long history of the land, and our role as tenants.

Our flower farm was established in 2017 on land that was once part of the Boone’s Lick trail and has been in Matt’s family for nearly 50 years.
We are a family farm focused on regenerative agriculture and soil health. We start all flowers from seed in a potting mix composed of our MO hot compost and vermi-compost in permanent raised beds built with lots of bokashi.
Every bed spends a season each year in a diverse cover crop mix to provide insect habitat, provide a multi-species set of roots to feed soil microbes, and to add organic matter in the form of living plants. In the spring, we identify beds for our late-season CSA and plant a warm-season mix of 20+ species, including cowpeas, broom corn, vegetables, radishes, and buckwheat. For our fall/winter cover crop, we use a mix of hardy cereal rye, oats, and peas.